I had posted this photo on my Face Book page for about one hour.
I got a call from my sister saying " change that picture, you look like you have a black eye"
The teacher I work with saw it and said "you look awful in that picture"
When I see this picture I see what I look like to myself on the bad days. This is me 80 % of the time. I feel like shit,I am in pain, I have to keep going...This is what Fibromyalgia looks like.
Exhausted, defeated, sad, worthless, confused, foggy, achy, defeated, stiff,
This is what Fibromyalgia makes you feel and think. Never can you just have a normal day.
I forgot what a normal day is like. Either I am so tired that I can hardly function or I am so full of energy and in extreme pain that I can hardly stand the thought of my drive to work. Sitting is torture. Thinking is hard. I would not wish this my worst enemy. And the worst part is I dare not complain...I'll hear "you do to much". "Slow down". Not on your life. If I slow down and tomorrow or the next day I have a "Fibro Flair" and I am out of commission for months....NO WAY!! I will live everyday to the fullest until I am forced to stop. Until then I will be who I am and do what I want.