I did have a sale on Elsy today. I posted my listing on Facebook last night and my sister in law saw the posting and bought the top. As I am writing this posting , I just got another sale from my Facebook posting...my great aunt just bought a top from me. woo hoo!. Thanks Aunt Joann. I am trying to promote my shop and I hope this works.
Here are my tops, Vintage Hankee Sleeve Tankee Top I am selling at Backroom Creations
I also had a long over due conversation with my step sister Sheryl (Hi Sheryl!) who lives in Idaho. I love talking to her. We never run out of things to talk about.
This evening I also found out my grade for the Pre Algebra class I took my final for on Friday, I did not do so well on the final...but I passed so that means I passed the class. I got a 79.37% so I get a C and that is good for a PASS...I would have liked a B but what else can I expect from an online class that was a 8 week course. I'm luck I passed. Note to self-Never take an abbreviated on line class.
Lastly, my daughter in law is due to give birth to my granddaughter in 5 days and here is a picture of her. Isn't she just beautiful!!!
So I saw you on "kandee johnson's" Blog. I wanted to invite you to follow my blog. I developed the idea for "Featured Followers by Elle © " where I promote my followers. Check out my blog @ www.edkdolce.blogspot.com
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