Well it has been an amazing day today so far. We woke up early and went on a 2 hour bike ride with about 75 people. It was put on by the Block Shop and the City of Lancaster. The Mayor R. Rex Parris was even a participant. The ride started at the Lancaster City Hall and we left at 9:15 with full Los Angeles County Sheriff escort. We meandered threw the old part of Lancaster to Lancaster City Park where we took a small break, drank water and talked to a man that had the bike I want. A recumbent bike. I love that I would be able to ride it with minimal pain since you are in a seated position and not leaning over handle bars. I also liked the recumbent 2 wheeler as it is easier to transport when we go camping. The only down side is there starting price is around $1,500.00
Well the ride then went north to Jet Hawks Stadium for a group photo and the back to City Hall. I was even interviewed by the local cable channel. All in all it was a great start to the day. We are only glad it was not any longer as at the end we were pooped.
To add the calories we had burned we then went to Double Burgers for lunch. Cheeseburgers and Fries YUMMY.
Well I have to go and start decorating the cupcakes that need to be delivered by 4:00 pm today. I'll post those details later today.
Have a great rest of the day.
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