What a lucky girl I am to be married to what I believe is the most giving man in the universe... OK maybe not the universe but MY universe. He has put up with me for 23 years without much complaint. The has stood beside me through all my health problem and indulged me in my crazy career roller coaster. He is understanding my need to educate myself so I can have a career that I love. He encourages me to step out of my comfort zone and is always there to cheer me on. I know sometime I get depressed and complain that he is has left me alone again at home but I know he is only working crazy hour for me. Without him I would not be able to work part time and go to school. He is truly taking care of me. When he does complain about anything it is because be misses me and just like I miss him. He loves my body, my mind and my soul as I do his. He protects my heart and would wrestle a bear to protect me. Thank you fate for bringing us together.
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