Monday, November 15, 2010

My Love!!

Every place we go my Charlie and I go we do self portraits and here are some of them from the end of this summer.
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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday, Sunday...You are good for me.

What a day. I almost typed relaxing but I got alot accomplished today. Homework, listing on Ebay, making a few new charms, studting for math mid term, nice dinner with the hubster, applied for a job online and finally got TV hooked up to watch movies in my bedroom.  I really feel like I accomplished something, alot of somethings.   So here I sit watching Avitar. Love this movie. 
This will be a busy week. school, work and a trip to Vegas Baby!! I am going on a 'Cousin's Only/Brittany's 21st Birthday" trip.  My sister, 2 cousins and a beautiful great cousin We are all 5 staying in a suite and going to have the time of our lives...we maybe just a fabulous time anyways. These women are the most loved and important women in my life.  They have been there for me from childhood, my first best friends, partners in crime and sharer of secrets. I cannot wait for Friday to come.

Friday, November 12, 2010

I ♥ Salt and Vinegar Chips

So I have a new addiction...Lay's S & V chips, every night around 11:00 here comes that craving. I should be thinking about bed but those chips are just calling me.  Don't get me wrong ...I only eat a few but they are goood
don't like the Pringles or Kettle Chips version because they just don't have that vinegar intensity.  I can compare the Lay's to eating fish and chips with Malt vinegar...YUMMMY. I you like malt vinegar on your H Salt then you'll love Lay's S & H chips.  try them and you will be addicted as well.