Signature Quilt for a Baby Shower-Tutorial

I saw this really cool idea for my Daughter-in laws Baby Shower that is in May. We are expecting our first grandchild and I a so excited to make things for her.  This is my first project.  I was searching the internet for "Free" Baby Quilt Patterns when I can upon what they has labled Signature Baby Quilt. I took a look at it and thought" We need one of those for Glenna's Shower" The problenm was the Free pattern was not to my liking and really not big enough for all guests/relatives to sign. We are having a combined shower with both sides of the families.  I came up with the idea to make my own pattern.(Like I have never done that before).
Below are step to make a Wall quilt to hang in the babies room as a momen of the shower. The quilt will be an heirloom piece for the baby once they grow up.  This quilt is not complete because I will be mailing the  quilt squares to immidiate family who will not be able to attend the shower. Once I received the signed quilt squares back I will assemble and finished the quilt to be taken to the baby shower to be signed by the guests.

What you will need:
1 Yard of Baby fabric of your choice.
1/2 yard of white cotton fabric
1 Yard backing
Crib size batting
sewing maching
straight pins
and Cutting tools(with ruler and cutting mat)
Iron and Ironing Board
Finished size will be approx 35" x 25" and can have loops for hanging on the wall

1) Launder fabric
2)Press fabric
3) Cut main baby fabric and white fabric into 2" strips

4) Sew 2 baby prints with 1 white strip in the middle,  using a 1/4" seam allowance. You will end up with a big strip with a place signatures or a message in the middle.

5) Press open seams on back and press front of the large strip

6) Now cut strips into 5" blocks

7) Now you need to arrange the squares in alternating directions. See picture.

8) Pin and sew togther to make a quilt top.
Further instuctions will follow on finishing of this quilt.
I will be mailing some of my quilt squares to family for signatures before assembley of top.
Below is a little sample of what the quilt top will look like when assembles.

9)I have completed the Baby Shower Signature Quilt.  For the shower I mounted it to a piece of cardboard for the collection of signatures at the shower.