Thursday, June 24, 2010

My Granddaughters First Blanket

A week ago Monday I completed a blanket for my granddaughter who was yet to be born.  I have been so busy that the panels were cut out but that was as far as I had gotten with it.  Back when my son and daughter in law found out they were pregnant I had bought the fabric.  My husband and I were on vacation in Carpenteria, California. The thing about Carpenteria is that it has my favorite quilt shop: Treasure Hunt and that is what it was...a hunt for the perfect neutral fabric  first for my first grandchild. At this point we did not know she was a girl.  What ended up getting was this adorable toile panel by Michael Miller Fabric . I cut the blocks apart and reassembled with strips of cream chenille and squares the same size of the panel squares out of cream Kona cotton. The back is a solid piece of cream chenille. I did not quilt this blanket since I did not use batting not want the blanket to be too heavy since we have at least 4 more months of summer left here in the Southern California desert. This blanket was very simple but I think this came out great. Sometime simple is all that is called for.This post is part of the I Made It Blog Party at Everything Etsy

Well she decided to come the next day and arrived at 2:08 am on Wednesday one week ago. Here she is the Grammie and her blanket.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Welcome to The World Abi

We welcomed our granddaughter Abigail into the world this morning at 2:08am.  Boy it was a long day.  She is 9 lbs and 1 oz and 22 1/4 inches.  She has a head of blond hair and she is just gorgeous!!!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Still Waiting on pins and needle...(and daggers and swords)

Well we are still waiting for my granddaughter to be born.

Over the weekend my mother arrived from Colorado to see the baby who is not here yet.  I really wish she had come out next week.  She leaves on Friday and that is when Glenna will be induced if baby is not born by then.  I am sad about that.  Well that goes hand in hand with the sadness I have been feeling over the past few months.  I never knew how hard it would be so hard to have my grown son living in my house, him being married and so controlling.  I feel like no matter what I do,  it is wrong and he ends up mad at me. It is one of the worst feeling in the world. To top it off, this should be a happy time for Charlie and I with the birth of our first grandchild, but I am so stressed that I have been unable to sleep.  Sunday morning Charlie had to wake me up because I was crying in my sleep.  I had a very vivid dream that everyone hated me.  It was worse then having a dream about monsters because those feeling I had in my dream carried over to my waking hours and I spent the majority of the day with tears rolling down my cheeks. Charlie and I are having some problems right know and I do not feel secure in the fact that he will always be here for me.  My world would be destroyed if he ended up leaving me. Just writing this is making me cry. I am a wreck. Things started to change in January when I relapsed with the Fibromyalgia symptoms. Financially we are struggling and that is the big reason for me feeling he lost some feelings for me.  I did not handle the finances well and I kept him out of the loop as to how bad it was. That was a big mistake on my part.  I think he has lost some his love for me because of it. I don't think he would ever use my illness as a reason to leave but I think the money thing would be a good enough excuse. He had told me we would be over if we lost the house because of my poor money management.  Him just saying that makes me feel that now he could find another reason to leave me.  Who would have thought that I would screw things up after 21 years of marriage. I no longer have any control when it comes to money but that is the way I want it now.  It might as well be that way since I will be out of work from today until August when the school that I work at goes back for the new school year.
Well I could go on for ever with all the feeling I am having so I will close for now and head for bed and try to sleep. Thanks for listening and keep this between you and me.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Patterns From Heaven..via Quartz Hill

On Thursday I went into a couple of antique store looking for some Vintage Handkerchief. Well The first one had some but they were not the quality I would use for my creations so I moved on to the shop next door. The women who worked there was super sweet and advised me she had only a couple of boxed handkerchief. My experience with the boxed ones is that they end up having rust marks on them from being pinned for all those years. When I turned down the boxed ones she asked what I was going to do with them. Well I told her and the remembered that I had a Onesie that I had made.(Below) So I showed it to her and she was impressed.
The next thing she said was"Do you sew?" Silly question after what I just showed her. I told her yes with no sarcasm. She proceeded to ask me if I want some patterns. m Well sitting on the display in front of me were some vintage patterns from the 50's and 60's. I said I generally did not use patterns and she asked if I could just take them...What? She said that a women had brought some in and then had returned with more. The woman in the store, Kathy, turned around and pointed at a file cabinet and said "They are all in there."
OK...I'm thinking I will look at them and see what they are.

She opens drawer after drawer filled with patterns from the 1950's through 1980's. I told her I did not know what to do with that many patterns and she said she did not either. Her boss said to get rid of them. So I'm thinking "I'll just take a few to humor her." I asked her if they ever tried to sell thing on line and she said "Oh we don't do that". Thinking to myself...ETSY!!! I go through and pick out a grocery bag full, did not even put a dent in the drawer. As I'm leaving she asks me to come back for more...I have to break it to Charlie first as I still have craft and cook books left from when my mom moved and I took my great aunts collection. So I come home and go on-line. Turns out there is a market for patterns from the 50's and 60's.
So I went back on Thursday and picked up the rest. I even purchased one of the boxed sets of Handkerchiefs.
Out of the 300 or so patterns at least 200 are unused, never cut and are like new. Score!!! So I opened a new shop on Etsy called Pinks Vintage Patterns. I hope to sell them and make a like money to make up for being off work for two months during summer break for my job at an elementary school. I will also be re listing aunt Ruthie craft magazines and cookbooks that are all at least 21 years old. Well I need to get back to listing item in my shop and if you have a moment check it out I have a few free items that jut require you pay shipping.
Have a wonderful Day and thanks for follow me here on Bee Chick's Buzz.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

My Sunday...laundry, etsy, baby, phone and brunch.

Well today was not has productive as I would have hoped. I started the day going to brunch with my son and daughter-in-law.  We went to a cute little diner called Karen's Kitchen...we went there for the biscuits and gravy.  They sure were good.  When I came back home I started on the laundry...oh I hate laundry...don't mind washing and drying but putting it away is way to much.  My back starts to hurt and then I have to take a break then I get involved in something else and the next thing I know the laundry does not get finished and it haunts me for yet another day.
I did have a sale on Elsy today. I posted my listing on Facebook last night and  my sister in law saw the posting and bought the top. As I am writing this posting , I just got another sale from my Facebook great aunt just bought a top from me. woo hoo!.  Thanks Aunt Joann.  I am trying to promote my shop and I hope this works.

Here are my tops, Vintage Hankee Sleeve Tankee Top I am selling at Backroom Creations

I also had a long over due conversation with my step sister Sheryl (Hi Sheryl!) who lives in Idaho.  I love talking to her. We never run out of things to talk about.
This evening I also found out my grade for the Pre Algebra class I took my final for  on Friday, I did not do so well on the final...but I passed so that means I passed the class.  I got a 79.37% so I get a C and that is good for a PASS...I would have liked a B but what else can I expect from an online class that was a 8 week course. I'm luck I passed. Note to self-Never take an abbreviated on line class.
Lastly, my daughter in law is due to give birth to my granddaughter in 5 days and here is a picture of her. Isn't she just beautiful!!!

I'll just hang out here

Today will be a busy day. Laundry and cleaning needs to be done before I can go hang out in my craft room. While I'm doing chores I'll just think of this guy and how luck he is to not have to do chores....bhaaa.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

I love gardening, especially in my jammies

So this is my front yard. My house is in desperate need of a paint job. Actually we will be adding on to the front of our house by creating a porch.I can't wait. I love my house and it is kind of cute, has great trees(with the exception of 3 weeks in spring, aha choo I will really enjoy having a porch.
This is what the add on will look like.
Anyway I planted some Dalia's and a tomato plant in the whiskey barrel.  I know...tomatoes with Dalia's? I don't have any where else to plant it since my son has tomatoes and strawberries planted in my barrels in the backyard. We have not established a garden in the backyard as we have dogs that would wreck it. Someday we will but for now we use whiskey barrels.

I put up my Sunflower I painted when I was a kid on my fence.

and here are my Lillie's about ready to bloom.

This is the front yard improvement my husband is working on right now.  He has brought in dirt to raise the yard so it is not sloped.  He also needed to cover up the Mulberry Tree roots because they were getting a little crazy and it was hard to mow the lawn properly.

Next he will put a stackable brick wall as a retaining wall to keep the dirt in place, a walk way to the far side of the yard down to the sidewalk and it will be beautiful...once we get grass to grow.  See Charlie is more of a grass seed guy then a sod guy.

This is the kind of wall we will be building.
Thanks for letting me chat about my front yard doings and as for the tile of the blog...I was in my PJ's when I did my gardening yesterday morning(t shirt and leggings) I don't think anyone noticed.
This is my adorable cat Duffy...I found him in this very yard when he was about 5 weeks old.  We think someone dumped him.  He was so cute I just could not take him to the pound since I could not find anyone to adopt him from me.  That was 2005

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wild Gypsy Art: An Inauthentic Life#comment-form#comment-form

Wild Gypsy Art: An Inauthentic Life#comment-form#comment-form

Mickey Has Come Undone!!!



come undone!!!

His glue has given out and he is now floating around in watchface land.
He is interfering with with the accuracy of my time telling.  It time for me to take to The European Watch Repair and have Mickey put back in his place or at least evaluated for 72 hours.
In the mean time since I have to be able to know the time at work, I have altered a bracelet that my friend Laurel gave me for my birthday last year.
It is made from silverware handles and has a heart charm and beads.   Today I was wearing it and realized I could add a a watch "Charm" watch to it for pretty cheap and then I'll have a watch to wear until I get this Authentic Disneyland watch fixed.
Here it is:
...and the bracelet was a little small because it had a toggle closure so I changed that out as well and voila! I have a cute, vintage bracelet watch for $10.00. I do love a bargain and when I can re purpose something that had fallen out of favor.

The One Person I Could Not Possibly Live Without.

Twin A             Twin B

This is my twin and I. We were goofing around last night with the web cam, drinking margaritas and just enjoying each others company. She is my best wait, she is more then my best friend, she is my guardian angel, my champion, my hero, the person whom with I can tell anything and know she will never dump me as a friend because of my drama, she's the mother of my other children(Cassie and Steven) the Aunti Mom to my son and soon to be GREAT Aunti Baba. She is strong and determined, even if she does not think she is. She is kind, compassionate, bullheaded and a hard worker. She is calm when I'm yelling and crying and never stays mad at me. She is always there when I need her and I hope I she feels I do the same for her.
Twin B