Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year Watch Out Because Here I Come

Since the New Year starts tomorrow, I will be making a few resolutions to make my life better in 2011.
1) I will catch up on all my bills and open a saving account.
2) I will do yoga at least 3 times a week.
3) I will eat healthier.
4) I will stress less about what other may think of me. 
5) I will keep my house clean, especially the kitchen which Charlie spent 2 days cleaning and organizing this week.
6) I will expect better of my son by making him be responsible for his own family.(Deadline: March 1, 2011)
7) I will be in bed by 10:00 pm.(Better for my health)
8) I will post to my blog at least once a week since it is therapeutic.

This is the list for now. Have a Happy New Years Eve.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Feeling Like You Have Come Home

Deborah, Susan, Michelle, Connie and Barbara
A few weekends ago my sister and I went to Vegas to meet our cousins for one of their daughters 21st birthday celebrations. The last time we were all all toghter was under very sad circumstances, the death of our beloved Grandfather John Viacara in 1996.  This time was so different.  We were together to celebrate our baby cousin Susie's daughter Brittany's 21st birthday. They live in Oregon and have all Brittany's life. Also in Oregon is our Baby Baby cousin Christene...she was born when we were teenagers. Also along was our eldest cousin Michelle. I say oldest as she is older...only 6 months and 2 days older then my twin and I but she is still older. Her eldest daughter Stefanie and her boy friend were in town as well for a birthday party The one missing player is our cousin Connie, Susie's older sister, who lives in New York. Funny thing is she had lived in Las Vegas for many years and just recently moved.
So we find ourselves in our cool hotel suite at the The Platinum Hotel. Thanks Barbara for finding us an awesome place to rest our heads. It was perfect.  Full kitchen, giant bathroom and room for 6 to sleep.  We were blessed for the set up we had.
Barbra and I arrived not 10 minutes after Susan, Christene and Brittany.  The timing was perfect. We all arrive around 2:00pm on Friday. We await the arrival Michelle, who finally arrives around 7:00pm

Me, Susie, Brittany, Christene, Barbara

Well I don't want this to be a run down of what we did.. I want it to be me sharing the love that I felt over this 3 day period. I have not felt as much love in a long time.  I have been living away from my cousins/family for so many years that I forgot how much I miss them. I did not forget, I just had to learn how to block it out.  Being a mom and wife with a "new" family made the the initial adjustment OK.  My sister and I have lived away from our maternal family since 1988. We were not the ones to relocate. Amazingly our grandparent, parents, aunt and her children and uncle and aunt all moved least 280 miles away.  Circumstances what they were, my mothers family was what we grew up with and we were close.
Cousins: your first best friends.  Cousins: your best secret keepers.  Cousins: the ones who know just how awesome it is to be a part of YOUR family.  Shared Christmas's, summer vacations, Easters. The ones you fight with one hour and make up with the next. Haunted houses, long games of Monopoly, using the Jouyi Board. 5 girls all within 3 1/2 years. Boy did our parents had their hands full.
My point being is that these girls are are close to me as my sister. Our weekend in Vegas was filled with such love and fun and caring and silliness and sharing and crying and every emotion you could have and end up feeling refreshed.  I know I had a moment that I was being a little sad with my Michelle but she understands.  I love her and I will always be there for her. I look at her hands and see my moms hands.  She is the oldest, the wisest and I love her with all my heart.  And Susie... our little mommy, she is strong and determined and never lets anything get her down. Connie...was not there be she was in my tough, bratty, and sweet funny girl. I can hear her funny little laugh...she laughs at everything.  
I have only written about the original  5 and that was on purpose. They are a part of my heart and soul, who I am and for that I am forever grateful for being born into this family, the Viacara Family, OUR FAMILY. I love you girls more then you could imagine and know I can not wait another 15 years to spend quality time together. LOVE YA MUAH!!!!!!!

Monday, November 15, 2010

My Love!!

Every place we go my Charlie and I go we do self portraits and here are some of them from the end of this summer.
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Sunday, November 14, 2010

Sunday, Sunday...You are good for me.

What a day. I almost typed relaxing but I got alot accomplished today. Homework, listing on Ebay, making a few new charms, studting for math mid term, nice dinner with the hubster, applied for a job online and finally got TV hooked up to watch movies in my bedroom.  I really feel like I accomplished something, alot of somethings.   So here I sit watching Avitar. Love this movie. 
This will be a busy week. school, work and a trip to Vegas Baby!! I am going on a 'Cousin's Only/Brittany's 21st Birthday" trip.  My sister, 2 cousins and a beautiful great cousin We are all 5 staying in a suite and going to have the time of our lives...we maybe just a fabulous time anyways. These women are the most loved and important women in my life.  They have been there for me from childhood, my first best friends, partners in crime and sharer of secrets. I cannot wait for Friday to come.

Friday, November 12, 2010

I ♥ Salt and Vinegar Chips

So I have a new addiction...Lay's S & V chips, every night around 11:00 here comes that craving. I should be thinking about bed but those chips are just calling me.  Don't get me wrong ...I only eat a few but they are goood
don't like the Pringles or Kettle Chips version because they just don't have that vinegar intensity.  I can compare the Lay's to eating fish and chips with Malt vinegar...YUMMMY. I you like malt vinegar on your H Salt then you'll love Lay's S & H chips.  try them and you will be addicted as well.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Do I Have A Cool Job Or WHAT!!

Ok so yesterday was Spirit Day at the elementary school I work at.  Be in the school spirit and dress like a Pirate. How exciting...what job other then at Disneyland or in Vegas can you go to work in a costume? Well not many. We had so much fun and I look forward to the next Spirit day at work.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What a Day

Ended my day with a bad attitude and feeling kind of sad. 
It did not start out well either.  Alarm clock was never turned on last night so when I woke this morning the alarm clock said 7:00am but my clock radio said 8:00am...OMG that is what time I needed to be in my History class.  SHIT.  Well I made it to class by 8:20 but did not get to take the weekly quiz...was lost for the first 30 minutes on what the lecture was about and left class realizing I will have to read the whole chapter to be able to pass the next quiz. 
Back home I went to get ready for work, pack my math homework, get together the craft stuff to take to the boutique meeting and try not to throw up the cereal I ate for breakfast. Walgreen was my first stop as I was feeling very nausea and really, really need to be able to go to work today. Gas then off to work.  Thank goodness it was a minimum day today. I only worked 2.5 hours and then I was off to Beverly Hills to my Fibro DR. Doctor running late all day so I had to wait 1 hour 30 minutes for my appointment. The only saving grace was I did get one of the two homework assignments done. Doctors feels I should take  
less Mirapex, more Cymbalta...if my pain does levels do not decrease I will be trying Lyrica. More meds, probably means more weight...I don't know what I'm going to do. 
Finally left Beverly Hills at 5:45 in major rush hour traffic in hopes of being able to make it back to SCV before 6:30 so I could go to a meeting about a boutique I want to do. Made the meeting at 7:15...shared my creations, meet some very nice ladies and signed up for the event. Past 8:30 and I finally get to go home.  First In n Out for a very bad dinner(it was yummy).  Called my mom since today was her 63rd birthday. Thanks to my sister she received her flowers(roses) and they are beautiful.
Now here's the bad mood part...3rd degree about what I have been doing all day.  I don't know why but some people think I don't have stuff to do.  I was running all day and trying not to be stressed...driving in hectic traffic and since I forgot it in my truck...I don't have my Bluetooth so I can't call people on my cell and have a conversation.  Not 20 questions but 30 questions and I blew up...and then remembered that I am pretty sure I got a red light ticket in beautiful 90210.
Sorry if this is taken wrong but sometime people worry to much and their concern is taken the wrong way when I have had a strressful day. If you are reading this remember i ♥ you.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Survey Time: Is it time to change my hair color?

My twin and I with our Grandpa-Natural Blonds
I am one of the luckiest girls in the world...I was born with a best friend! Woo hoo for me.  My sister and I have changed our twinness a lot over the years: Same hair, different hair, I'm thinner, she's thinner, worked at same type of job, each pursuing different goals.  We are ever evolving and now we are back at doing the same thing.
We are both going to college to become professionals in the field of Special Education, we work for the same school district and we have the same haircut.  My dilemma is should I change my hair to be the same color as hers. I think I want to....


Beechicks Twin
It will be super hard to get my medium red hair(colored) to be as light as hers.  (The color of my hair right now, that grows out of my head is grey, all grey.) Should I attempt to change my hair color?
Please leave your vote as a comment.
I can now blog from my blackberry

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Things that make my head spin.

I have had a hard couple of weeks...mentally that is.  I have been so overwhelmed with school work, getting orders filled for etsy, working at my little job and trying to be a good wife.Isn't bad enough that I am in pain on a daily basis? Living with Fibromyalgia is like being wrung through an old fashion clothes ringer daily. I have been try to cope with working part time-less the 20 hours a week and going to school.  I realized that I have become obsessive in the things that I do.  Shopping is the biggest thing that has been bothering me.  It does not even feel good when I buy something. The things that I have been buying the most is clothing.Why am I buying clothes when I a good 50 pounds overweight? When I see it,  I want it, envision wearing it, wonder if Charlie will ask me about it, I know I should not buy it and do so anyways. I hope he does not ask me about it and I wear it knowing that is a symbol of how chaotic my mind is lately.  I should, I shouldn't, I like it, I don't  This is something I looked into.  I think it is one of my medications I have been taking for about 4 1/2 years.  I remembered something my new doctor had told me"Watch out for obsessive behaviors". That was 10 months ago.  I had forgotten all about that.  Mirapex is what is causing all this havoc in my mind. I would rather have restless leg then ruin my life with this compulsion to shop, sell, and make. I will be going to the doctors in about 1 week and see what else I can take for RLS.  For now I will only be using cash so Charlie knows what I spend and where I spend it.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

So It's Official

My craftroom is now my study room.  I have converted my cutting table into a make shift desk.  I have everything I need to study in quiet and get my homework done.  Mind you I have been studying for about 4 hours today I am very bored...I see my craft stuff all around me. The thread and fabric are calling my name.

I know I have to give up the crafting for least until I get into the swing of this school thing.  I am currently working on my addition to shopping.  I have given my credit and debit cards to my husband and am working with cash only.  I have decided to put Charlie in charge of keeping me in check.  I have to keep my receipts and account for my cash before I will get anymore.  How did I get this bad?  What am I looking for when I buy stuff? Maybe I will gain some in site from my Psychology class. I have really been a nut lately and I'm not liking it.  Obsessed with shopping, considering Lap Band surgery(What?), forgetting to pay bills, not wanting to/having the desire to clean, on my computer to much. I could go on.  Is it my medication starting to give me these side effects? That is something I should really look into.  Well i will close for now with a photo of my current sweet obsession...Licorice Pastels and Gumballs. (and I don't really like Black Licorice.)

Thursday, August 26, 2010

I'm Back

What a hectic couple of weeks. I was offered my old position back at the elementary school..Yes!! I am so happy to be back at the same school and even happier to be back with the same children.  They have a great teacher this year and I look forward to being part of her classroom. Because of California's budget crisis I have a 3 day weekend this week.  No work for me tomorrow.  We will be off 5 extra days WITHOUT pay thanks to our Governor. ...but enough of that.  I also started college this week.  Algebra 70/3 days, History 101/2 days, and online Psychology 101.  all classes in the morning with the exception of  Water Aerobics which is 2 evening a week.  I have my plate full but I know I can do it.  Just a quick update on the summer class I took...I got an A.  I am so happy and I think I would like to take another acting class next semester. hehe. 
Now that college has started the grown up vacation we have planned may have to be changed because of all us adult learners.  Finals are in the way for my friend to go on the week we have reservations in Big Sur.  

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sad 24 hours

We my very good friend Lavonna lost her husband last night.  I found out right after it happened by text message from her granddaughter.  He has been sick every since I meet him about 8 years ago.  I'm not quite sure what ended his life but I do know he had a brain aneurysm on Wednesday evening of last week. I know she has alot of support from her family so I have not called her.  She did call me to cancel my nail appointment which I already knew was cancelled.  I dropped some stuff of hers off at her house along with some flower. I know she will be OK but I worry about her. 
All that worrying along with my anxiety about performing for my final in my acting class caused me to ditch school today.  It was my first day missed so I'll be OK.  I just could not bear watching the other students doing their skits, me do my skit, spent 4 hours bored out of my I ditched. Instead I cleaned my bedroom and put laundry away dropped flowers at Lavonna, returned the unnecessary hair products that I bought to work at the salon over the summer and went to Jo-Ann Store. (bad and I will not elaborate)
Got back home, made dinner and made this bag for work...if I have a job when the school year starts.
Well here is my bag.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Fast Weekend and Etsy

My weekend wentr so fast as they go for most people.  My wonderful husband had to work on Saturday morning so I got to be a bum.  I got up early but ended up going back to bed and sleeping until I managed to get up and go to Yoga.  I have not been in months.  We I got my own private lesson as I was the only one who showed up.  Ella the yoga teacher kicked my butt. Not really but it has been a while so I was really sore when I left the studio. I grabbed a salad for a late lunch and came back home.
Now is the fun part...I belong to a trading team on Etsy and they had a trade event this weekend. I had never participated before but I thought what the heck. I first trade was for bath and body stuff from BragginRightsBath. I went on to make 14 more trades and will be receiveing 14 packages with little gifts for me and the ones that I love. Here is a list of all the Trade-A-Holics I would like to thanks for making my first Trade and Stay so fun. Thank you sooo much ladies!!!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Sewing Day with My Sister

Today my sister and I got together and did some sewing.  We made new versions of wallet/purses we had made last year.  They need updated fabric. When we went to the Long Beach Quilt Showlast weekend we picked up some fabrics to do just that. I love sewing with my sister because she is really good with reading and understanding patterns and I am not.  Oh I can read them but I have a hard time follow the directions. Here is my end result with additional embellishment to the flowers with buttons.  I think it came out sooo cute.  Thanks for you help and you continued support in helping my recover from the my compulsion to create and sell.  I am now focusing on creating for the sheer pleasure of it.  


Saturday, July 10, 2010

La la lalala Saturday, Saturday...It looks great to me...Saturday Saturday

Well it has been an amazing day today so far.  We woke up early and went on a 2 hour bike ride with about 75 people. It was put on by the Block Shop and the City of Lancaster.  The Mayor R. Rex Parris was even a participant.  The ride started at the Lancaster City Hall and we left at 9:15 with full Los Angeles County Sheriff escort.  We meandered threw the old part of Lancaster to Lancaster City Park where we took a small break, drank water and talked to a man that had the bike I want.  A recumbent bike.  I love that I would be able to ride it with minimal pain since you are in a seated position and not leaning over handle bars. I also liked the recumbent 2 wheeler as it is easier to transport when we go camping.  The only down side is there starting price is around $1,500.00

Well the ride then  went north to Jet Hawks Stadium for a group photo and the back to City Hall. I was even interviewed by the local cable channel. All in all it was a great start to the day.  We are only glad it was not any longer as at the end we were pooped. 
To add the calories we had burned we then went to Double Burgers for lunch.  Cheeseburgers and Fries YUMMY. 
Well I have to go and start decorating the cupcakes that need to be delivered by 4:00 pm today. I'll post those details later today.
Have a great rest of the day.  

Sunday, July 4, 2010

A day with the man I love.

Today, which would be July 3rd,  was a very nice day. I got to sleep in and then get up at a leisurely pace and got ready to go to the beach.  You see it has been right at 100 degrees for the past week. Our AC was not working so we have been suffering with the heat.  Well the AC got fixed yesterday and so today we were free to do what we wanted.  So around noon we left for the beach.  It was nice to feel the air cool as I drove from my home to the SCV.  From there it just got better.  Who can say they love the beach when it is over cast?  I can ...Charlie and just love it.  We loaded our ice chests with water, beer and deli sandwiches at Vons and headed to our favorite camping spot Emma Wood. State Beach  We just used the day use area because we knew not a lot of people would be there. We were right. We hauled our chairs, blankets and ice chests down to the beach and sat together for the next 3 hours.  Charlie read his Truck magazine and I read the play "The Picnic" for my Acting class I am taking.  I was hoping to find my monologue in the play but didn't.
Here is our self portrait we took today..
The kissing picture is similar to a photo I have from the same spot about 5 years ago.  We had planned a camping  trip to the beach because I needed to get away.  It was before I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and did not know what was going on with me I just knew I was a mess and no knew why. It was a very stressful time and I was having a really hard time with my upper back pain. Before we made the trip I had to go to a physical therapy appointment.  Charlie came with me but ran off to do something while I was having my treatment.  When he returned he had bought me a small gift.  It was this Pooh Bear frame. and this is it with a photo taking during our camping trip. He is such a special man and I am very lucky to have him in my life.