Sunday, September 26, 2010

Do I Have A Cool Job Or WHAT!!

Ok so yesterday was Spirit Day at the elementary school I work at.  Be in the school spirit and dress like a Pirate. How exciting...what job other then at Disneyland or in Vegas can you go to work in a costume? Well not many. We had so much fun and I look forward to the next Spirit day at work.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What a Day

Ended my day with a bad attitude and feeling kind of sad. 
It did not start out well either.  Alarm clock was never turned on last night so when I woke this morning the alarm clock said 7:00am but my clock radio said 8:00am...OMG that is what time I needed to be in my History class.  SHIT.  Well I made it to class by 8:20 but did not get to take the weekly quiz...was lost for the first 30 minutes on what the lecture was about and left class realizing I will have to read the whole chapter to be able to pass the next quiz. 
Back home I went to get ready for work, pack my math homework, get together the craft stuff to take to the boutique meeting and try not to throw up the cereal I ate for breakfast. Walgreen was my first stop as I was feeling very nausea and really, really need to be able to go to work today. Gas then off to work.  Thank goodness it was a minimum day today. I only worked 2.5 hours and then I was off to Beverly Hills to my Fibro DR. Doctor running late all day so I had to wait 1 hour 30 minutes for my appointment. The only saving grace was I did get one of the two homework assignments done. Doctors feels I should take  
less Mirapex, more Cymbalta...if my pain does levels do not decrease I will be trying Lyrica. More meds, probably means more weight...I don't know what I'm going to do. 
Finally left Beverly Hills at 5:45 in major rush hour traffic in hopes of being able to make it back to SCV before 6:30 so I could go to a meeting about a boutique I want to do. Made the meeting at 7:15...shared my creations, meet some very nice ladies and signed up for the event. Past 8:30 and I finally get to go home.  First In n Out for a very bad dinner(it was yummy).  Called my mom since today was her 63rd birthday. Thanks to my sister she received her flowers(roses) and they are beautiful.
Now here's the bad mood part...3rd degree about what I have been doing all day.  I don't know why but some people think I don't have stuff to do.  I was running all day and trying not to be stressed...driving in hectic traffic and since I forgot it in my truck...I don't have my Bluetooth so I can't call people on my cell and have a conversation.  Not 20 questions but 30 questions and I blew up...and then remembered that I am pretty sure I got a red light ticket in beautiful 90210.
Sorry if this is taken wrong but sometime people worry to much and their concern is taken the wrong way when I have had a strressful day. If you are reading this remember i ♥ you.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Survey Time: Is it time to change my hair color?

My twin and I with our Grandpa-Natural Blonds
I am one of the luckiest girls in the world...I was born with a best friend! Woo hoo for me.  My sister and I have changed our twinness a lot over the years: Same hair, different hair, I'm thinner, she's thinner, worked at same type of job, each pursuing different goals.  We are ever evolving and now we are back at doing the same thing.
We are both going to college to become professionals in the field of Special Education, we work for the same school district and we have the same haircut.  My dilemma is should I change my hair to be the same color as hers. I think I want to....


Beechicks Twin
It will be super hard to get my medium red hair(colored) to be as light as hers.  (The color of my hair right now, that grows out of my head is grey, all grey.) Should I attempt to change my hair color?
Please leave your vote as a comment.
I can now blog from my blackberry

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Things that make my head spin.

I have had a hard couple of weeks...mentally that is.  I have been so overwhelmed with school work, getting orders filled for etsy, working at my little job and trying to be a good wife.Isn't bad enough that I am in pain on a daily basis? Living with Fibromyalgia is like being wrung through an old fashion clothes ringer daily. I have been try to cope with working part time-less the 20 hours a week and going to school.  I realized that I have become obsessive in the things that I do.  Shopping is the biggest thing that has been bothering me.  It does not even feel good when I buy something. The things that I have been buying the most is clothing.Why am I buying clothes when I a good 50 pounds overweight? When I see it,  I want it, envision wearing it, wonder if Charlie will ask me about it, I know I should not buy it and do so anyways. I hope he does not ask me about it and I wear it knowing that is a symbol of how chaotic my mind is lately.  I should, I shouldn't, I like it, I don't  This is something I looked into.  I think it is one of my medications I have been taking for about 4 1/2 years.  I remembered something my new doctor had told me"Watch out for obsessive behaviors". That was 10 months ago.  I had forgotten all about that.  Mirapex is what is causing all this havoc in my mind. I would rather have restless leg then ruin my life with this compulsion to shop, sell, and make. I will be going to the doctors in about 1 week and see what else I can take for RLS.  For now I will only be using cash so Charlie knows what I spend and where I spend it.