Monday, May 23, 2011

What a Lucky Girl I Am

What a lucky girl I am to be married to what I believe is the most giving man in the universe... OK maybe not the universe but MY universe.  He has put up with me for 23 years without much complaint.  The has stood beside me through all my health problem and indulged me in my crazy career roller coaster.  He is understanding my need to educate myself so I can have a career that I love.  He encourages me to step out of my comfort zone and is always there to cheer me on.  I know sometime I get depressed and complain that he is has left me alone again at home but I know he is only working crazy hour for me. Without him I would not be able to work part time and go to school.  He is truly taking care of me. When he does complain about anything it is because be misses me and just like I miss him.  He loves my body, my mind and my soul as I do his. He protects my heart and would wrestle a bear to protect me.  Thank you fate for bringing us together.  

Monday, May 16, 2011

I am officially an actress..

...well not really.  I auditioned for a play festival at our local college back in March and won a part as a supporting role in an original 1 act play. These plays were written by the play writing class at my local college.  They are then directed by the directing class students. A very good project for 3 lucky students.
They play I was cast in is called "Long Time Waiting" This is a short play but it was awesome to work on my role and act out the scene.  Well we got derailed.  Ended up that our director did not do what he was required to do for the directing class and we lost him as our director.  Well our play with turned into a reading....very disappointing. But the great part of doing this play as a reading is we can focus on the words as opposed to the actions.  We have performed for an audience 3 times and have 2 more show to go.

Cast of "Long Time Waiting" By Rebecca Brakeman

Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Thoughts on This Mother's Day.


Thoughts on Mothers day from a young Mom....well I'm not young now but I was a young Mom. I became a Mom 2 months after I turned 21.  I know some of you are saying "That's not young." and others are saying "Wow were young". Well in the scheme of things
 I was young but I was in love...and almost married.  I meet my husband in February 1988, NOT love at first sight but I was tricked into talking to him on the phone a week after I meet him at a "house party" in Canyon Country. I have this sly friend who lied to both of us. She thought "we would make a cute couple"...That was her excuse for tell each of us that the other one wanted each others phone numbers. Well we fell in love and 4 week later(yes 1 month) we were engaged.  Well this is not a story about just my husband and I (yes 22 years later and still hot for each other) but about the boy who made me a Mother. A young Mother and what I want to tell you is my
Top 10 Reason I Love Being A Young Mom"
10) Recovery: I had a great body that bounced right back after giving birth...6 week weight 121..Weight after giving birth 127. Loss of 19 lbs. in 18 hours.
9)Tatas: I was the first of my friends to have a baby so was not pressured into breast feeding.I still have great tata's.(If I knew what I know now I would have BF)
8) Energy: I had energy to deal with a 2 year old... ask me then and I didn't think I did but I really don't have the energy now to deal with a baby 24/7 now.
7) Companionship: You'll have a company. Being young and starting out my husband had to work a lot...I mean a lot.  I always had my son to keep me company.
6) A Co-Pilot: I commuted but had my son in a Preschool in the area where I worked. we had that extra 2 hours a day to be together. (I do not condone childcare now but I did what I had to do.)
5) Our Parents were Young Grandparents: My parents and Hubster's parents were young as well.  I was blessed with in laws who watched our son 2 days a week.
4) Music: I influenced his music as much as he influenced mine.
3) Activities: We are young enough to be able to take him skiing and dirt bike riding and be able to participate. .
2) Enjoyment: Able to see eye to eye with some one who is only 20 years younger.  I have had so much fun with my son.  He is funny, loving, compassionate, a great care taker, a good listener, silly, and real. He can tell me anything and know that I will love him regardless.
1) Grandparent-dom: As a young parents you can't help but having your child who follows in your foot steps(remember I've been married 22 years) My baby made me a Grammy at 42!! I love it. (and he was the same age I was when I had him)
My Baby and His Family