Monday, May 16, 2011

I am officially an actress..

...well not really.  I auditioned for a play festival at our local college back in March and won a part as a supporting role in an original 1 act play. These plays were written by the play writing class at my local college.  They are then directed by the directing class students. A very good project for 3 lucky students.
They play I was cast in is called "Long Time Waiting" This is a short play but it was awesome to work on my role and act out the scene.  Well we got derailed.  Ended up that our director did not do what he was required to do for the directing class and we lost him as our director.  Well our play with turned into a reading....very disappointing. But the great part of doing this play as a reading is we can focus on the words as opposed to the actions.  We have performed for an audience 3 times and have 2 more show to go.

Cast of "Long Time Waiting" By Rebecca Brakeman


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